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Countering Hate Speech Chapter
Countering Hate Seminar Series
Starting in November 2021
Countering Online Hate and its Offline Consequences in Conflict-Fragile Settings: A Seminar Series
Seminars will take place on Wednesdays from 10-11 AM, EST. For more specific details regarding speakers and topics, please see the schedule listed below.

November 17, 2021
George Weiss
“Weapons of mass Instruction? Inoculating against incitement: the potential of edutainment and psycho-education"
November 24, 2021
Silvio Waisbord
Fighting digital hate against journalists: Lessons for countering hate speech
December 15, 2021
Mark Nelson and Heather Gilberds
"Confronting Hard Truths: Media Reform in Fragile Societies"
January 12, 2022
Talita Dias
"Tackling Online Hate Speech through Content Moderation: The Legal Framework Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights"
January 26, 2022
Vefa Veisalova and David Nyheim
"Towards an Integrated and Inter-Disciplinary Approach to Tackle Hate Speech and Divisive Narratives in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Contexts"
February 9, 2022
Matti Pohjonen and Iginio Gagliardone
"Re-defining online hate speech: Frameworks and realities in rapidly evolving political contexts"
February 16, 2022
Katya Vogt and Sheila Scott
Building indivdual and community resliance to manipulative information online hate -- lessons learned"
Aviv Ovadya on the future of fighting disinformation
Aviv Ovadya on the future of fighting disinformation
Aviv Ovadya’s work focuses on ensuring information ecosystems, and the platforms that provide them, have the proper safeguards in place to inhibit false information and prevent bad faith actors from influencing discourse.
The democratization of information sharing through ICT has had significant positive impacts, Aviv points out. By circumventing the channels of authoritarianism, access to information and its content is more democratic than ever before. The cost of rumours and disinformation, of course, is the downside of these same tools developing and becoming wildly available. Because of the way information spreads in 2018, ethnic tensions are inevitably going to be vulnerable to such tools, Aviv points out.
One of the strange ironies of the newfound mis-and-disinformation problems being experienced in the US is that the existence of this phenomenon in the developing world is garnering attention, now that the problem is a US one as well. As academic researchers, as well as practitioners on the ground seek the best paths forward to fight disinformation in the West, rumours and falsities being used to stoke tensions in conflict-fragile states can also start receiving the pushback they need.
The nature of disinformation: Interview with Ben Nimmo
The nature of disinformation: Interview with Ben Nimmo
Ben Nimmo’s research at the Digital Forensics lab at the Atlantic council explores how disinformation is spread, what form it takes and what its motivations are. At the recent Contentious Narratives conference at GW’s Elliot School of International Affairs, Ben outlined the best examples he has encountered which combat disinformation.
The majority of disinformation is often poorly constructed and executed, Ben outlines – which in turn means some of the best tools available to combat it are also simple. Amnesty International in Iraq have produced an online tool that allows users to determine the date of a video, so as to avoid footage misleading communities about when an atrocity took place.
The simplicity of methods such as these on ICT platforms enable all individuals, not just journalists and mediators, to identify disinformation being spread. Ben also points out how these ICT methods serve as the Launchpad for educating populations about the existence of disinformation and how they can prevent it from influencing events in the future.
Whenever a new communications platform is developed, disinformation inevitably appears, Ben outlines. This disinformation moment is no different, expect in one regard – that new tools are appearing far more rapidly. These upstart platforms will need to just as rapidly find ways to police themselves.