Weapons of Mass Instruction? Inoculating Against Incitement: The Potential of Edutainment and Psycho-Education

George Weiss
Director, Radio La Benevolencija
George Wiess is the founder and CEO of Radio La Benevolencija Humanitarian Tools Foundation (“RLB") organization, that sets up media projects to teach populations to resist hate speech and incitement to identity-based violence. RLB is one of the first to use long-duration nation-wide broadcast campaigns to mass audiences for the purpose of a citizen “inoculation” against scapegoating and propaganda, as well as teaching trauma healing techniques to the wounded populations. A Film- and Television Producer, Weiss moved into the emerging field of Humanitarian Activist Media in 2002 when set up Radio La Benevolencija HTF. The organization's African Great Lakes Reconciliation Media project - a regional violence prevention project still ongoing in Rwanda, the DR Congo and Burundi - has gained international acclaim for its unique combination of applied psychology with entertainment-education techniques. The methodology is currently used in “inoculation” interventions within the European online videogaming environment, focusing on online and offline radicalization of youth in Italy, the Netherlands and Hungary.
To counter impulse-driven hate behaviour, there is an ever-growing need for an easily absorbable method of education to impart not only media literacy, but also a basic Psycho-literacy for audiences to become more resilient to their own reflexes to fear and insecurity. Radio La Benevolencija HTF (RLB) runs a long term “inoculation” project that has used Entertainment Education media interventions, connected outreach activism and accompanying action research during 17 years of continuous, ongoing broadcasts of 3 long-duration Radio Dramas in Rwanda, Burundi and the DR Congo, reaching audiences of over 20 milion people. The drama’s fictional settings overcome reactance by provoking self-critical moments of realization when judging other’s fictional realities. The Interventions are built around a simple psycho-“vocabulary” of reactions to fear, loss of identity and trauma developed by Professor Emeritus Ervin Staub (UMass), and stimulate audience members to active bystandership against incitement. Regular evaluations show considerable impact, recently allowing the NGO to transpose best practices learned to the online video gaming environment in Europe during the past 2 years. RLB’s experiences provide a glimpse at the possibilities of extra-curricular media education. This article will provide a critical look at the methodology used, especially at the often overlooked problem of reactance and how to tackle it, problems encountered in funding long-term media education and the adaptation issues of spreading universal know-how in different contexts.