The Problem
The United States has become increasingly fragmented politically in recent years. Hate speech both drives and reflects this change. Hate speech targeting groups of people is particularly dangerous because, if successfully sold, all member of targeted groups become collectively blamed and subject to potential retribution, including violence.
The Model
We are introducing the Hate Speech Intensity Model to define hate speech in America and the wide range of content it can encompass. This model explains some of the earliest roots of hate speech and how it may quickly snowball into much more intense rhetoric. Read more →
The Method
This initiative uses automated and human coding to identify negative and negative and hateful speech by prominent people in media and politics against groups. It uses a Python-based tool to search media transcripts (for media personalities) and Tweets (for politicians) and identifies potential units of analysis when negative words and groups (from two dictionaries) are in close proximity.
Our Results
Results are presented via interactive data tables and charts to allow for easy segmentation and analysis.